Buckner Town Hall
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(844) 444-7361
About Us

The Town Hall building began its life as the Buckner Baptist Church. It was built and dedicated in the late 1890’s and was located at the corner of Hudson and Jefferson streets. Originally it was just a great big one-room building. In 1924 it was modernized with the installment of a basement, furnace and water systems. It also survived a fire in 1950.
The church was renamed First Baptist Church of Buckner in 1977. In 1983 the parsonage was sold and moved from the grounds, providing space for a new church building. The new building was erected that year beside the original building.

In 1993 the original Buckner Baptist Church
building was donated to the Buckner Arts
Alliance and moved to a new location. The
Fire Prairie Arts Alliance raised money to
pay for the move and start renovations to
the building.
The building was
moved in August
and took longer
than expected.
After the utility
lines and cables
were moved to
the situation,
the actual move
began. During the 2 block journey, the clutch in the tractor-trailer pulling the building went out. As a result, the building spent the night atop a trailer in the middle of Madison Street, one block from its original site. Once the clutch was replaced, the journey was completed and the building now rests at its current location on Sibley Street across from Buckner Elementary School. It is now called Buckner Town Hall.